Branding & Style Guides
Building and designing a website is more than just getting a website up. It's also about the color scheme, content, and most importantly the branding. As a marketer with an actual background in Advertising, branding is everything especially when trying to establish an identity.
Let's be honest, there's nothing worse than browsing a website that has different fonts and colors that don't match. You don't need to be an advertiser, marketer, or even web designer to know when something doesn't look good, especially on the web. Yes, the web is crowded with many websites, but the best ones are the ones that have a consistent branding in terms of colors and typography and are the ones that are remembered.
Luckily some web design firms are adding a style guide for their clients, so they maintain a consistent identity throughout their website. Wondering how a style guide might look? Here is an example of LevelTen Interactive's very own Style Guide.
With LevelTen's Drupal Distribution, Open Enterprise, every site comes with a pre-designed style guide created for your unique website. This ensures that your branding standards are consistent and doesn't threaten your credibility.
Does your website have a style guide? If no, then think about getting one or ask us about Open Enterprise and how we can help you with getting started on building a website with consistent branding.