Show Me the Bacon!
Is your website dry and uninteresting?
No worries… just wrap it with <bacon> and watch it sizzle! Because everything is better wrapped with bacon, especially your website.

Having trouble driving traffic?

Social Media Strategy?

What about email marketing?
Still not convinced?
You'll probably want to stand back a bit
Add bacon to your site...
Include the bacon doctype at the top of your HTML.
Bacon Strict
<!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM "http://bacon.leveltendesign.com/bacon-strict.dtd">
Bacon Transitional
<!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM "http://bacon.leveltendesign.com/bacon-transitional.dtd">
Then include the sizzle javascript file(requires jQuery)
<script language="javascript" src="http://bacon.leveltendesign.com/sizzle.js"></script>
Lastly, wrap your <html> tags with <bacon>
<bacon> <html> … </html> </bacon>