Do They Practice What They Preach?
Hopefully, if you’re making a decision on re-designing or building a new website for your company at least one of the criteria for selecting an agency is; 1. “Doe's the agency’s own web site reflect the same kind of results that are being proposed for your new website?" In other words, doe's the website design company or agency practice what they preach?
So many times we see companies bypass this most important phase of selection because they get launched right into the “bid selection process” maybe due to eager website designers. Before you know it they have multiple bids which don’t necessarily reflect an “apple to apple” comparison. More times than not, they find themselves trying to make an apple to ocean liner comparison for the project. Once thoroughly confused….they either put the project on hold or they make a decision based on budget or price. This is all done fairly quickly without even thoroughly evaluating the design company or the website that markets their website design firm.
Anymore, if you’re not basing at least part of your decision on the agencies past history, results of their clients and/or the visibility and current success of their own site, you’re probably taking a big unnecessary risk.
When evaluating your potential partners take a look at this third party service and check out how well their site stacks up. 1-100 score. It may help you in this area of your decision making process.
Are you using HubSpot? LevelTen offers Drupal and HubSpot ingration consulting.