The Results Oriented Web Roadshow is headed to D.C. Metro area and our first stop is at Phase 2 Technologies office in Alexandria! Join us Monday, October 3, 2016!
Previously, I demonstrated how to Valuate Content Using Google Analytics and Drupal . The video today establishes how the Intelligence dashboard can serve as a visual executive summary of your...
Acknowledging your sales team as a valued customer and understanding their goals is one of your most valuable marketing insights. Best of all, it can drastically improve your marketing efficiency.
In Agile software development, a user story is defined as one or more sentences to capture what a user does or needs to do as part of his or her job function. It is written from the perspective of a...
Building a website that drives traffic, delights and engages users, and converts and builds brand champions is not an overnight process. There is no magic tool or tactic that can instantly make you...
Is your website producing the results you want? If not, you may want to re-think your strategy because your site may have been created with the wrong vision.
A vital step towards more meaningful analytics is the proper use of goals. One of the challenges of Google Analytics is having to keep its goals in sync with changes in your Drupal site. The...
In listening to clients, I have found a short, albeit core, list of recurring pain points. Here are those points and how our team solves these problems.
Most web design agencies don't always consider themselves in the redesign business, but that's usually exactly what we're doing. Let's examine some of the challenges of taking an existing site,...