A Boot Camp to Trim Your Blog Post
Waistlines aren't the only things that need slimming this summer - consider putting your next blog post through a boot camp. Get rid of the fat and show off the muscle behind your post. Is it really possible to create a post that's short and truly helpful? Yes! Here's how you can start creating shorter, more concise blog posts that your readers will love.
Create a main takeaway for your post. Think of it like your thesis, but please don't do a five paragraph essay. Just keep your theme in mind.
Once you've determined your takeaway point, create an outline of your post. This makes it easier to stay cohesive and therefore relevant to your audience.
As you're writing and brainstorming, repeat your takeaway in your head. This keeps the idea fresh in your mind and increases your ability to tie everything together.
warm up post
It's time to write it out. Sweat out your post with all of your thoughts and flowery words and descriptions and back stories. Sometimes, you just have to allow yourself to get it all out there.
During this process, do not stop to edit at any point. You can always go back to your post later and "mine for gold". For now, just let your ideas flow onto the paper (or screen) and silence your inner critic.
"sprintences" (Sprint sentences)
After you've warmed up by writing your post, it's time for some blog cardio. Now is when you want to trim down your sentences as much as possible. This makes it easier for the reader to view your "muscle" (relevant content/main point) and bypass your "fat" (fluffy words/irrelevant points).
I often think of this quote by Dr. Seuss when I'm writing, "So the writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads". This is a great mantra when writing for the web.
Think of your sentences as short sprints that quickly get the reader from one point to the next. Make sure your words pack a punch, but also leave room for discussion.
when your post is really heavy, get a spotter
Sometimes your story carries a lot of weight - and that's OK! Just be sure to use a spotter. Sprinkle your post with links to definitions or articles where the reader can learn more about your topic.
If you think links are simply too weak for your heavy story, consider breaking your post up into a series. You'll be able to fully tell your story, and you'll keep your readers coming back for more!
Remember, your audience is searching for information - fast! If you put in the hard work while writing, that means your reader won't have to put in the hard work searching. Your post will be there to say it all. Nothing more, nothing less.
Featured Image Credit: SOS Fitness