Drupal 7 Intro Tutorial
Drupal 7 is a remarkable engine for deploying next generation websites. If you are serious about building a top notch web presence, Drupal is the ultimate tool box. It is free and open source, making it accessible to any size organization. It is extraordinarily flexible, like a Lego set for constructing websites, and can be used to build virtually any kind of website from corporate to non-profit, government, publishing, and social communities and much more.
Yet Drupal not the usual open source hobbyist's toy; it scales to demanding enterprise deployments. In fact, some of the world's most prestigious brands rely on Drupal's performance and advanced features to deliver a superior user experience. With all this power and flexibility comes one hurdle: the Drupal learning curve.
Drupal 7 has made great strides in usability, but to really unleash Drupal's full power, you need to understand the The Drupal Way. To help get you get up to speed quickly, we are launching the Getting Started with Drupal 7 tutorial course. Every weekday until DrupalCon we will be releasing a new short video tutorial covering essential Drupal concepts.
Even if you have never written a line of code (don't worry you won't need to), just a few minutes a day will get you further down the path towards building best-in-class websites. Here's the first intro tutorial. Happy Drupaling!