Installing Drupal for Beginners Tutorial
There are as many ways to install Drupal as there are stars in the galaxy. Okay, maybe not that many, but there are quite a few. When it comes to the simplest way of installing Drupal for beginners there are as many ways as there are stars in the solar system, one – the FTP method.
This tutorial is for the web server neophytes. Not familiar with Linux commands, database admin, GIT or Drush? No problem, you won't need any of that, just a good web host and a FTP client. We even tell you where you can get both for free. Note: FTP is free as in beer, web hosting is free as in trial.
In this tutorial we will walk you through the steps of installing Drupal 7 on a live web server. We cover the biggest gotchas we have seen beginners hit in training. To sum it up, it is the standard steps we all went through when first installing Drupal - now in convenient video form.
All Getting Started with Drupal 7 Tutorials