Reach for the Stars with your Website: Intro to Drupal Training Tonight!
Looking to create a powerful website but aren't sure where to begin?
Drupal is the world’s leading open source enterprise content management system (ECMS). Many of the world’s top brands are leveraging Drupal to build advanced, engaging sites at a fraction of the cost of traditional ECMS. While Drupal is free and open source, there is a learning curve to unleashing its power.
Let’s solve that problem!
During tonight's free 3 hour workshop, you will learn how to:
- Install and extend Drupal
- Manage content, navigation and taxonomy
- Manage users and permissions
- Manage page layouts and themes
- As well as a brief introduction to advanced concepts
Bring your laptop and follow along. Lecture and hands-on demonstrations will have you building your very own Drupal website during the course. By the end of the course you will be familiar with fundamental Drupal concepts used in building any web site.
Who should attend:
- Enterprise webmasters looking for a more progressive web platform without the high cost of traditional ECMSs
- Sales and marketing managers looking for better ways to build brand, generate sales and engage and retain customers
- SMB owners looking to build an industry leading web presence
- Non-profit managers looking to modernize their website to best engage constituents, build community and drive contributions
- Anyone in publishing, entertainment, education, government or any other industries who can benefit from advanced engagement driven websites
- Students looking to break into the ultra-hot Drupal market
More information: Intro to Drupal Workshop
Join our Dallas Drupal Users Meetup group for other upcoming Drupal training.
Also, our Dallas Drupal Days and DrupalCamp event is September 7 & 8. Register now for 2 days of great content!
Photo credit: Dave Morrow