Election Time is Here and Yahoo! Wants Your Opinion
Here at LevelTen our staff is composed of those on the right, those on the left and those somewhere in the middle when it comes to politics; it makes for some great inter-office debates that are typically pretty fun to be around (both sides have issues).
Now, personally, I'm a gadgets kind of guy who likes fun new technology, be it a device, a website, a widget; whatever, it really doesn't matter as I'll probably check it out. With the Midterm Elections right around the corner, Yahoo! has an awesome little interactive application they've built that lets you voice your opinion on pressing national and state issues. And by voice your opinion I do mean voice, the application shows you a topic, gives you how the rest of the voting has gone so far for the topic and allows you to share your vote on Yahoo! Facebook and Twitter. Once you've cast your vote, you can leave comments defending or blasting either side of the debate, it's actually really cool. You can even filter the topics by state or by topic so that you don't have to just browse through a never-ending number of hot topics that you don't have a strong opinion about.
If you've got a few minutes hours to kill, head over, spin the wheel and cast your vote!