The First Ever Statewide DrupalCamp in Texas! TexasCamp 2016
LevelTen Interactive is proud to present TexasCamp 2016 on April 1 - 2 at the Fort Work in Dallas, Texas.
TexasCamp is two days of DrupalCamp, intended for Drupal admins and users, sitebuilders, themers and developers. Expect sessions from beginner to expert level, with the brightest minds in the Drupal world attending and presenting.
You can attend TexasCamp for only $50! Or become an Individual Sponsor for just $75!
Coming to the camp from out of town?
Make time in your schedule for the after party on Saturday night, which will feature networking opportunities and great entertainment.
Want to submit a session?
In order to submit a session, you have to have bought a ticket and registered on the TexasCamp website.
The deadline for submitting a session is March 14, 2016!
We can't wait to see you at the first ever statewide DrupalCamp in Texas! Help us reach our goal to have a successful Drupal community event.
For more information visit the texascamp.org website.
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