CSS Frameworks: Bootstrap 3 vs Foundation 5
Edit: Bootstrap 2 was not mobile first, however, Bootstrap 3 was developed to be mobile first responsive.
Bootstrap claims to be "the most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web." Foundation says it's "the most advanced responsive-end framework in the world."
Both of these are front-end responsive front-end framework. Which brings me to the purpose of this blog post, which one to use? Bootstrap gives you everything would ever want or need for your project. Foundation just quite literally, gives you the foundation to build your website.
Let's take a look at 4 comparisons of these two frameworks:
Grid system:
Bootstrap: Base Width- Fluid; Columns-12
Foundation: Base Width- Fluid; Columns 1-16 with customizer (12 default)
Bootstrap has responsiveness when building sites with it. It will make you build your site for desktop first though.
Foundation on the other hand wants you to build your sites in mobile first, which results in always being able to view it on bigger screens.
Bootstrap has a larger community than Foundation that provides help for when it is needed.
Foundation on the other hand has a small community but has Zurb credibility.
Browser support:
Bootstrap's desktop support includes Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, and IE8+. For the mobile browser support, Chrome on iOS and Android, and Safari (iOS only).
Foundation's desktop support includes Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and IE9+. For mobile browser support, iOS (iPhone), iOS (iPad), Android Phone 2, 4, Android Tablet 2, 4, and Windowns 7+.
If you're a Bootstrap or Foundation user, let me know in the comments and tell me why you work on the certain CSS Framework.