Google Gives Real Time Analytics to iPhone Users
In case you missed it, Google released Google Analytics for iPhone last week. It comes a year after it was originally released for Android devices. The Real Time analytics is the best feature for website owners who can now get-a-glance of their information right from their pocket.
In this day an age of wanting information at your fingertips, Google finally made it available to those without Android devices or having to sit at you desk to check. As a marketer and regular blogger, this helps with monitoring website numbers in terms of visits, page views, time spent, etc.
Google is making it easier for everything to be available to you in the era of where mobile response websites are built first now that consumers are browsing the web more often then not on their smartphones or tablets. In a Nielsen study, a today's consumer's are now being identified as "New Digital Consumers". These people make up 64% of those browsing websites.
In a recent interview, Apple CEO Tim Cook said that he gets 80% of his work done on his iPad. It now makes sense to want to be able to check website stats on the go as well. If a CEO for one of the biggest companies in the world says he works on a tablet, then many other people must be too.
Here are two screenshots that Google provided and available for viewing on the Apple App Store.
Will you be using the Google Analytics App? Is it worth it? Let me know in the comments!