Gizmodo's April Fools' Joke
The first thing I saw in my Google Reader feeds this morning was a crazy post by Gizmodo. The only content in the post was text that said "CONFICKER IS NOT HAPPENING. IGNORE CONFICKER." With all the talk about this famous Conficker virus supposed to be unleashed on April Fools' Day, I was a little scared to click on the link to the actual post. Instead, I went to to see for myself. Sure enough, there was a teaser to the post, with a nice creepy clown in the teaser. Twenty minutes later, another weird post, and then another, and another. Gizmodo appeared to be hacked.
Well the fun never ended. It is now 4:30pm CST and more crazy posts are still being added. I did a Twitter search for the term "gizmodo". At first, it seemed some people were fooled that Gizmodo was hacked. Most people, however, knew it was a prank, and got to the point where they were annoyed. I think it was a fun thing to do considering the occasion. It definitely called attention to themselves.