We let AI take the reins as lead developer on our latest web app, and the results were remarkable. By leveraging the right strategies and tools, we cut launch time from weeks to just three days — delivering a feature-rich product faster than we thought possible. When I code, I typically use AI as an assistant. For this project, I decided to flip the script and let AI take the lead as the primary programmer, while I played the roles of Product Owner and, amusingly, code copy-paster (a legitimate...
In case you haven't noticed, there's a rumbling going on in Silicon Valley. Well, maybe not, because there's always something going on out there, but it got your attention. On April 11, Google will...
You have probably heard the age-old proverb "A picture is worth a thousand words" describing the idea that a single image can tell an entire story. This is a powerful proverb but really can be quite...
LevelTen now has three individually Qualified Google Advertising Professionals on the team, and will soon be a Qualified Google Advertising Company. Congratulations to our marketing team for months...
If you're in web development then you've heard the term WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) and probably cringe at even the slightest mention of it. Among what would be considered a WYSIWYG...
I was browsing the latest issue of Wired Magazine and came across a great ad at the bottom of pages 32-33. The ad on left hand side is for the Smooth Swings Golf Academy and touts a 1600-page...
Most of the details of Adobe's massive upgrade to all of it's CS3 (Creative Suite 3 for those who aren't familiar with Adobe's product naming conventions) line of graphic and interactive content...
We've all had them. The client from.. well, you know where. The one person whose name alone can strike fear into your heart. When they call we groan, stare at the phone and wonder what excuse we...
It was rumored about last summer, and this spring it has become a reality. Pay-per-action (PPA) has officially been released in beta form for users of Google AdWords. Pay-per-action, or cost-per-...
There are five critical elements every website must have to get results. We call them the Five Cornerstones of a Successful Website. If your website is missing any one of these, then it is...