DrupalCamp Dallas is Two Weeks Away!
One of the biggest Drupal events in the southwest is coming up very soon - the 5th annual DrupalCamp Dallas on Saturday, April 13th, 2013. I know you almost certainly have your ticket already, and have submitted your beginner level session on "Discontinuous Responsive Integration Using the Khaaaaaaan Module", but just in case you haven't registered yet, let me tell you about just some of the expected greatness.
The great Jeff Walpole, CEO of Phase2 Technologies will be delivering our Keynote address: Can Drupal be a Disruptive Force in Social Business Software? I'll be disappointed if the answer is No, but we will let Jeff lay it out for us.
Pantheon, the "all-in-one Drupal platform that gives websites smooth scaling from day one" will be providing a free Drupal Development Best Practices & Building Sites training session by Pantheon co-founder Josh Koenig. Come learn about version control, dev, test and live environments, and continuous integration workflow. That is certainly great.
And how about an entire day of Drupal training on Friday? If you sign up for our companion conference, the Results Oriented Web Summit (ROW) on April 12th at the same venue, you can attend for free our Drupal in a Day training event. As well as go to any ROW sessions that interest you. The keynote for the ROW Summit is Allison Cerra, VP of Marketing, Communication and Public Relations for Alcatel-Lucent Americas and the 2011 Dallas / Ft. Worth American Marketing Association CMO of the year. That's pretty great.
The final DrupalCamp Dallas session schedule will be posted next week, but you still have until March 31st to submit your own session. Want people to know who you are? Or your business? Want to speak at DrupalCon one day? The first step is speaking at regional DrupalCamps, building up your presentation skills and street cred. Then one day, maybe you will get called up to the Show. Dries might introduce you, to 1,000 Drupalers, ready to hang on your every word. Doesn't that sound great?
Accepted sessions and the Camp schedule will be published next week. We have a great venue, with lots of room, good AV gear, fiber-based wireless Internet, breakfast, lunch and a party Friday night. All sessions will be streamed optically and aurally in 175 degree 3D 4K+ resolution using MeatSpaceVision with infinite point-of-view options (just change seats). So, unless you have your own drone that can peer in through the windows, that means you have to be there.
Sponsorships are still available to help make this low-cost community event happen, with a special deal if you decide to sponsor both DrupalCamp and the Results Oriented Web Summit. LevelTen thanks all our generous sponsors, including gold sponsors Pantheon and Acquia.
Register now- Latebird pricing goes into effect on April 1st. And see you in a couple weeks.