Good Reads for Parallax SEO, Mobility, and Google Analytics
I subscribe to many industry newsletters to stay informed about what is going on in the marketing world. In the past week, I have come across a few articles that have stuck with me. Today, I will share a few of those with a brief summary. The articles range from design, to analytics and social media.
The Perils Of Parallax Design For SEO
The article by Janet Driscoll Miller from Search Engine Land goes into detail about what parallax design is, how it can affect SEO, analytics tracking, mobility challenges, and finally things that should be considered when deciding to use parallax design. It's a great read for those thinking about making their website parallax and the effects to SEO. Read more here.
To Be Blunt, a Lot of Your Social-Media Marketing is Getting You Nowhere
Duane Forrester from Bing wrote an article on the Entrepreneur website that served as a bit of case study featuring the company Copyblogger. He makes you question whether it is time to reevaluate some of your social media presence. He also writes about doing a social media audit to determine which outlets should be eliminated. Read more here.
Mobile Usability Reports Come To Google Webmaster Tools
Barry Swartz wrote an article for Search Engine Land about the announcement Google made. The newly added Mobile Usability Reports for Google Webmaster Tools. This goes to show how much mobile traffic is coming into website that Google saw to include usability reports to help your website better at being responsive on mobile devices. Read more here.
What do you think about parallax design? Having an audit of your social media presence? Or the fact that Google is starting to focus on mobility analytics? Let me know in the comments!