Professional Life Hacks for the Office
From the outside, desk jobs can seem "comfortable", but those of us on the inside know the true dilemmas that occur behind the scenes everyday. From prank wars to food stealing, office life can be brutal. Check out this helpful list of life hacks to help you survive the sticky situations that occur at work.
For when you get a new key to the office
credit: point2agentblog
When you don't want to be stuck doing the dishes
Credit: College Humor
When the person in the cubicle next to you won't stop singing
Credit: The Leek
No more unexpected bites of cold pasta!
Credit: dedalvs
Never pull the wrong plug again...
Credit: dedalvs
*Note this picture, you might be on life support, but at least you also have a hot tub, so all is good.
During summer days, here's how to keep iced coffee from getting watery
Credit: dedalvs
win all the prank wars!
Credit: laughroulette.com
Quickly unclutter your inbox
Credit: dedalvs
This one's for the commuters out there
Credit: dedalvs
When desktop drama strikes...
Credit: dedalvs
What office life hacks do you have to share? Let us know in the comments!
Featured Image Credit: Era Digitala